

So yes, the PCT Class 2017 is lucky.

The streams in the desert, which are usually dry, have plenty of water this year. 

We do not have to carry 6 litres of water most of the time as previous PCT classes had to. What we need to do though is checking the map, and the regularly updated water report (which we can download whenever there is cell reception).

[Thank you water report guys – you great people who put so much work into the report to make sure we are save out here! You are awesome.]

But anyway, water is still an issue out here, in this huge desert. I drink lots, as hiking in this bloody heat (uphill!) makes me so super thirsty. Also, the desert does a weird thing to my mouth and lips. Both get super dry and painful (you see, more pain, as if the blister thing would not be enough to remind me that I am on the PCT!)

So today I read on my downloaded water report that we have two water refill options during the next 20 miles.
One is a stream with good flow, but the stream is a bit off the PCT, and the other one is a cistern thingy which is right on the path, 3 miles further.

I arrive at the junction which leads to the river, and I decide not to make the detour to the stream (too exhausted for an extra mile already). I plot on to the next source instead.

“Holy shit! What on earth is this thing??!? Are they freaking kidding me?”

Here I find a hole in the ground, it is a hatch thing which reminds me of something from the TV Series “Lost”. The thing is old and broken, and if I stand on it, I will probably plunge right through into the void beneath and drown. It has a broken plastic bucket here on a short string, the bucket is full of holes. There are two rocks in the bucket to make it possible for the bucket to surface down. So I guess I am supposed to throw the bucket into this thing while holding it on the string, and scoop out the water?

Hmmmmm?! Right. OK. Let’s do this.

Bloody me, it takes me several attempts to get one litre out of this weird water cache.

And I don’t trust the water at all! It was apparently a BIG MISTAKE not to get the water when I was close by the stream with the nice, fresh, pure and happy spring water!

“BIG MISTAKE indeed!!! Shit! Shit! SHIT!!!

Too late now and no point in wining (and swearing for that matter), I NEED this water… I filter some and throw in a purification pill for extra safety, so that this brew does not kill me right on the spot.

Yup, this is also part of the PCT.

Oh and: thank you guys for your wonderful blister healing wishes! I am thrilled by your support!! And yes: I was able to find and buy baby wipes meanwhile: and they surely are awesome!!

Oh and: it is still incredibly beautiful out here on the path!

Oh and: I passed the 150 miles marker and am having my first proper shower and first proper breakfast in Idyllwild today!


14 replies
  1. Bert says:

    Huuuuhhh, bischen freaky ist dieser wasser cache schon, da kann das kopfkino schon anfangen zu rattern ;) Mit Tablette sollte es wohl passen…

    Immer wieder schön, früh am Kaffeetisch zu sitzen und morgens von euren Abenteuer zu lesen, danke das du uns mitnimmst.


  2. Stefan says:

    It looks like the water did not cause any additional issues as you had a nice meal at the last pictures! You look fantastic on this pictures Heidi, I think you are happy!?

  3. Tanja Fischer says:

    Einfach toll Dein Blog, Heidi! Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich sehe, dass Du einen neuen Eintrag gemacht hast. Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin happy hiking und freue mich auf mehr News.

  4. Alexandra says:

    Liebe Heidi, ich freue mich auch jedes Mal, wenn ich eine Benachrichtigung über einen Post von Dir in mein Postfach bekomme – vielen Dank, dass Du dieses ausserordentliche Erlebnis mit uns teilst! Ich drücke Dir die Daumen für Deinen weiteren Weg, wünsche, dass die Blasen bald heilen und Du zentimeterdicke Hornhaut bekommst, und freue mich auf weitere Geschichten von Dir. Liebe Grüsse aus Basel! PS: Wir hatten heute morgen Schneetreiben!

    • Heidi says:

      Danke liebe Alexandra! Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf meine zentimeterdicke Hornhaut! Ich kann es kaum erwarten!! Ui Schnee! Das kann ich mir so gar nicht vorstellen!

  5. Niels says:


    You are doing great!
    I can’t wait to hear from you who the most important person was who you met on PCT….

    May thanks for the pics…love them all…especially the one with the flowering cacti (hope that is the plural for cactus).

    Loads of walking power and bad germ resistance for you


    • Heidi says:

      Thank you so much Niels!! I will let you know once I know myself!! :) I am happy that you like my images!!

  6. Chuck G. says:

    Soon you will find yourself having strangely sexual dreams about pitchers full of ice water. Then, you will know for sure you are a thur-hiker to the core. :) GOOD LUCK!

  7. Sandy says:

    Meine liebe Heidi, du schreibst so wunderbar…ich bin stets am staunen und lachen wenn ich deine Zeilen lese und die Bilder betrachte weil ich mir dabei alles so bildlich vorstellen und mich in diese Situationen hineinversetzen kann.Ach was wäre ich gerne dabei, es ist manchmal fast nicht zum aushalten es NICHT zu sein, furchtbar…!!! Umso mehr freue ich mich dich so glücklich und strahlend zu sehen, er hat dich,der PCT ;-) , genial ! Françoise ist gerade dabei sich ihren Trailnamen anzueignen, hast du’s mitbekommen ? Er wird möglicherweise “die mit dem Zelt kämpft” sein ;-))) Wir hätten das doch noch öfter testen sollen ;-) . Passt auf euch auf ihr zwei, Drücke dich, Sandy


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