Sleeping and Working in Ashland!

I am in my big motel bed in Ashland, and am just laying here with pillows under my legs to elevate them.

They hurt.

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Fire and Snow. And Oregon.


I made it back to Etna. My heart is very heavy, but I will push on.

What have we read on that blaze the other day. PCT = Persistence Creates Toughness. And I need to be more tough. Yes I do.

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Woods and Snow!

My trail family and I seem to have come to the conclusion and general agreement, that there is really no reason to rush at the moment. The slower we hike, the more time does the snow have to melt.

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Towards Kennedy Meadows

It is 5.50 am, I eat a Snickers bar for breakfast. Here in the desert you can only eat them in the morning after a cool night. During the day, you would have to deal with Snickers soup.

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Mountains and Great Company

So the big question is:

“Shall I heave myself and my backpack up Mount Baden-Powell or should I better play safe and take the detour around it?”

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Trail Angels


So here I am, sitting on a rock by the trail and weep. The pain in my feet is so bad. Three miles to go still until I reach my next destination, but the pain is too overwhelming.

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So yes, the PCT Class 2017 is lucky.

The streams in the desert, which are usually dry, have plenty of water this year. 

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