So Hard To Say Goodbye
Well, first of all:
“Thank you for all your kind words, comments and private messages. It touched my deeply that you are with me!”
Well, first of all:
“Thank you for all your kind words, comments and private messages. It touched my deeply that you are with me!”
The coming section will be special and we are both greatly looking forward to it! We will be hiking through Glacier Nationalpark!
Alright! Enough zero days!
We bloody gotta do “The Basin” now! No point in waiting any longer!
“Lightning storms you can come! Bring ’em’ on!
Plan A stands!
Felix just talked on the phone to Barbara. He got her phone number from the local grocery store.
I am laying in my hotel bed in South Fork. Felix went over to the gasstation to get us our mandatory pizza! Yes! They sell Pizza at gasstations in the US!
So yes, we made it all the way to Colorado! For quite a while now we have been thinking that we need to bail out once we make it to Colorado.
I mean, bloody hell, it’s still snowing up here!
Alright, just some tiny more roadwalking and then we will hit Grants, our next town for shower, food, resupply, laundry, bed!
We make it out to Highway 12 where Dale picks us up one last time. Everything going smooth, the van is right there! No “Dale” adventure this time!
Alright, we have all calmed down after the recent events and have now some road walking to do, out of Silver City. Road walking is terrible for the feet, hips and knees, but the CDT has apparently plenty of it.
So here we are, out in the desert of New Mexico!
Felix and I keep reminding ourselves, that we are actually out here “doing it!”
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