Back From The Underground

Well Hello Again!

How have you all been doing since we last heard from each other?

I am doing fine, life goes on I guess.

But oh dear, I realize how little I have done/achieved since I am back.

Seems I am a little all over the place with my thoughts.

Damn, I need to focus!

And I am way too quiet and lazy. No blogpost in such a long time! No big hikes. No adventures.

No bears running over me.

I begin to realize how quick time has passed since I am home. Five months of pure, raw excitement, pleasure and fun. Followed by five months of, well, “normality”.

Perhaps I need get out and do stuff! I need to wake up from hibernating! No more laziness. No more excuses!


So I go walking on a frozen lake (exciting!)



And I go and visit Prague (interesting and full of history!)



And I drink Mojitos and eat French Fries (unhealthy but amazing!)



And I go walking in our local woods (cold!)


Alright, this all makes me feel much better again. There is indeed life out there!

“No, I did not suffer from PTD.”

“I think.”

“Or did I?”

“Or do I?”

“Don’t know! Not sure, really!”


“Sandy, let’s buy our train tickets soon for our trip to France!”

I need to feel those tickets in my hands.

“Sure”, she says, “go get them!”

So I head out to the station and buy those tickets for both of us.

Hell yes, that feels good. I am going to hike a bit of the GR34 in Brittany with my friend Sandy.

Not quite soon, but almost soon.

Can’t wait to get out there into the fresh air by the sea, with my hiking boots!

Hope my Achilles and my right leg are up for it too…




13 replies
  1. Tanja says:

    So good to hear from you. I meant to write to you ages ago but, as you mentioned, somehow life seems to come in between. Same for me here, I haven‘t done anything exciting in a looong time but on my way to Switzerland tomorrow…

  2. Lu Thompson says:

    Happy to hear you are well and eager to go on your next adventure. I can’t wait to read and see pictures of your trip to France!

  3. Bruce says:

    Hi Heidi,
    I enjoy your blog and am glad to see that you are continuing it. I just returned from Arizona where I visited Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It is out in the middle of nowhere…..your kind of place. :-) Bruce

    • Heidi says:

      Hi there Bruce!! So nice to hear from you! And as always, you make me chuckle! Yes, I love the middle of nowhere kinda places! Hope you had a splendid time! Hope no dodgy road driving with lots of holes in them…!! Ahh, what an epic memory!! :-)

      • Bert says:

        Ja, geht schon. Fiebere meinen kleinen Trip nach Schottland entgegen. Kein Thruhike, aber besser als nix :) Von den großen Sachen Träume ich nur, noch..hihi.

        Viele Grüße und dir frohe Ostern, geniess die freien Tage.

  4. George says:

    Hi Heidi,
    I’m one of the many silent followers of your PCT adventure. I loved every step of your journey from the comfort of my PC. On the more adventuresome side, I did most of the JMT last summer which was one of my dreams. It was amazing and I loved meeting the PCTers. My friend Tina and I live in Basel and said on so many occasions that if you ever returned to Switzerland then we have to get together. So, before you get too far away, lets meet for fries and mojitos.

    • Heidi says:

      Hello there George! Wow, yes, I am in! I am happy to have fries and (and one or two) mojitos with you guys! Send me an email and lets fix a date! :-)


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